Wednesday, March 18, 2009

daylight model

our objective for this project was to pick an artist for our inspiration, then with that design a daylight model. our model would use the light of the sun to make shadows or experiences within a model no less than 26" by 15". eero saarinen's mit chapel was our inspiration.
in the mit chapel eero uses little metal pieces to reflect the light traveling into the space, in our model we used the same concept yet with a twist. we took the metal pieces and placed them on the walls of the model and cut slits into the ceils that sit at a 45 degree angle to allow the light to come in. the slits are also from eero's design were he used a type of that at the bottom of the mit chapel to allow light to come in.


WWW.LIGHTINGTHEWEB.COM April 22, 2009 at 3:34 PM  

Do you know if this chandelier was made by Troy lighting. I have been looking for one just like this.

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